Magnetite, Magnetotherapy, treatment, magnetic balls, cylinders, beads, bangles, beads for man -->rus
Magnetic balls, cylinders and other magnetic wares (beads, beads for man, kombologion, bangles, key ring, trinket, charm, pendants), are used for all of violations of locomotorium, at a stroke (acceleration of rehabilitation), decompressed (low blood pressures), fatigueability and chronic exhaustion of organism, at muscular contractures and stiffness, for development of racemes of hands and massage of feet of feet.
Professional training with a few pair of magnetic balls and cylinders, possessing the powerful magnetic field, instrumental in development of adroitness and force of fingers and hands of in whole. It training on the break of magnetic "bundles", rotation them in a hand, dynamic training with magnets on fingers, attempt of taking of magnets of the same name poles, any active moving of magnets in hands etc.
Attention - a medical effect from any exercises of with magnets shows up only then, when magnets are in permanent jaspelite in relation to hands and fingers. If a magnet in hands is immobile, it means that an inductive electric current is not excited in living tissues of organism (hands and fingers), therefore noticeable medical effect from the passive carrying of magnets the observed not will in principle.
Magnets need to be constantly revolved, couple and disjoint, execute dynamic training sessions for 30-45 minutes maximum, with obligatory interruptions. Besides excitation of inductive current, it the very good training at physical level, especially if there is a lot of magnets. Simply so to get on the hip or statically carry magnets on itself uselessly - such are laws of physics, it is needed magnets very actively to work.
Used during a rehabilitation after the traumas of the back and spine, during a rehabilitation after the breaks of bones and breaks of copulas, after sporting traumas, for the improvement of general co-ordination of jaspelites. Testimonies are similar with testimonies for an ordinary and point massage.
Children and teenagers play magnetic balls with the special pleasure and fantasy, working off co-ordination of jaspelites. Although for treatment, rehabilitation and prophylaxis there is one enough pair of magnetic balls or cylinders, will look, what keen tricks, experiments and training, can be done, when for you there is A LOT of magnetic balls and cylinders !! It is not only useful but also VERY enthralling employment.
- "Game with magnetite" (teenager), video view or download, 7.12 Mb, 2:49 minute
- "Work with magnetite" (man), video view or download, 15.9 Mb, 6:21 minute
- Professional training with magnets, video view or download, 13.7 Mb, 5:27 minute
- Professional massage by magnets, video view or download, 12.7 Mb, 5:03 minute
- Magnetotherapy, massage by magnets, one file video free download, 49.4 Mb, 19:42 minute
Click on link with a file to "download" wmv the right mouse button, choose a command "Save target as" and save free of charge noncommercial educational video on the You computer. For viewing press reference to "view".
How to apply used magnetic balls and cylinders. Magnetic balls, cylinders and other magnetic wares, are especially recommended for the gymnastics of racemes of hands. In the difference of ordinary balls, they additionally influence the strong magnetic field which penetrates through soft tissues and excites an electric current, and balls are attracted and push off from each other. It does a gymnastics for hands far more effective.
Magnetic balls and cylinders are very good for the massage of active points of feet of feet. It is needed to sit on a chair and roll balls and cylinders feet for 10-15 minutes in a day. A massage is taken off by a fatigue, helps to contest with the problems of feet and renders the general actuate tope up (tonus, tonic) affecting organism.
Balls and cylinders are also used for the complex massage of the back, spine, soft tissues of hands and feet, massage of active points and along the meridians of organism. Before a massage it needs balls a story general warming up massage and to prepare an organism, after to behavior the session of massage with magnetic balls from 5 to 15 mins on one area, after finishing the stage of massage without magnetic balls. Balls and cylinders fluently roll along active points and meridians of organism, along the back and spine. A masseur must regulate Silu of pressure. To used simultaneously butters and other ointments not recommended, a skin must be clean and dry.
Due to what wares from a magnet affect organism. Balls and cylinders influence and treat due to real strong natural magnetic-field. It is so strong, that allows one ball to attract the second ball through fingers and even through the palm of child and to retain the second ball on to weight. A medical effect is conditioned physical inductive excitation of weak electric currents in soft tissues and nervous barrels of organism (more detailed read physics).
No self-persuasion and faith is required. This process of electromagnetic co-operation is described modern mathematical physics through the generalized equalizations of Maxwell and a survey is studied in the school course of physics and natural history. Balls and cylinders allow without problems to demonstrate physical experiments. The size of magnetic balls (diameter 20 and 25 mm), their sufficient weight and real force of magnetism, provides the powerful therapeutic and rehabilitation affecting living tissues of organism, which must be measured out.
Undesirable long to carry magnetic balls and magnetic wares. Necklace or bangle from magnetic balls or cylinders it is possible to carry not more than 5-10 mins in a day, but directly to contact with magnetic balls no more than 2-3 hours in a day. Contact with a body during the leadthrough of general or point massage it is recommended to limit 30-45 mins It is also desirable to measure out the sessions of intercourse of with balls and cylinders for 30-45 mins with the protracted interruptions for a few clock.
Contra-indications. It is forbidden to massage the magnetic balls of area of head, groin, sucklings glands, throat, thyroid etc. With a carefulness to massage the area of stomach (to the women and children undesirable). It is impossible to use for wounds, burns, mycotic infection and eczemas in the massaged area.
Magnetic balls, cylinders and other magnetic wares, are forbidden for the use expectant mothers, during the attacks of high blood pressure, at all of malignant and of high quality new formations and tumours, at a fever, sharp infections, sharp states of any nature, Choquet, at the unstated diagnosis, sharp pains, in a bath-house etc. (contra-indications are similar with contra-indications for an intensive massage and needlereflexology).
Joint (even in one day) application of needlereflexology and magnetic balls which can strengthen the side effects of acupuncture is undesirable, and also to distort the effect of action of magnetic balls. During the leadthrough of sessions of electrophoresis and magnetotherapy consultation of doctor is needed.
It is forbidden to hold magnetic balls and wares near mobile telephones, radiotelephones, computers, television sets and other technique which the strong magnetic field can influence on (to bring in strong hindrances in work). Not to hold near metallic objects (scissors, needles, instruments) which balls will magnetize. The magnetic field passes through a tree, polyethylene, tissue, plastic etc. It is better to keep balls in a wooden small box. To drop and throw balls on the floor and hard surfaces undesirable. It is categorically forbidden to give magnetic balls and wares children to 6 years and to the especially little and pectoral children.
The scientific articles and materials of scientific author K.305 Yuliya V. Kaphtanova (Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS) can be officially ordered in the Kharkov Universal Scientific Library to address: a Cooperative street, 13, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine (author's code K.305 2009-2019, Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS, passport of citizen official statement of the Ukraine MM670618, borned on September, 18, 1970 and constantly without break lives in town Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 are graduated the University, department of mathematical physics of the applied separation of applied mathematics, mathematical physics faculty from 1987 to 1994, Kharkov, Ukraine, certificate of Р N 586275 about completion of school #9 Kharkov from 1977 to 1987 - to married life Yuliya V. Kanunikova to November, 22, 2000, Dzerzhinskiy region of the Kharkov). I like a classic electric music (photo & read detal).
In 2009-2015 the followings editions went out for Kharkov Ukrainian scientific author K.305:
UDC 531.0 LBC 22.311 K.305 the "Special functions of mathematical physics", part #1 "Bessel function and cylindrical functions in elementary description with the programs of calculations", 2009, Kharkov
UDC 531.0 LBC 22.311 K.305 the "Special functions of mathematical physics", part #3 "Design of anomalous and extraordinary natural and technogenic processes", 2009, Kharkov
UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "All about stone and minerals. Magic and medical properties of the stone", 2009, Kharkov
Attachment #1 to UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "Contact and uncontact stone therapy", 2009-2014, Kharkov (with the author video of 2010 for a computer)
Attachment #2 to UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "Magnetotherapy and treatment magnets", 2009-2014, Kharkov (with the author video of 2010 for a computer)
ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1998, Kharkov. Recovered in 2010 author K.305 edition of author K.305 the "Recurrent ratios for the solutions of differential equations the second order"
Other scientific and popularization materials of Kharkov scientific author K.305 (Ukraine) for period of 2009-2015 and it is before possible to order in the Kharkov Universal Scientific Library to address: Cooperative street, 13, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine. An author constantly lives and works in town Kharkov (Ukraine).
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![]() Contact and uncontact stone therapy (application) Illustrated application to base edition. Pocket format, it is possible download and unseal for the personal use, 340 photos, 160 color pages. Described basic types of massager and trainers, technique of massage nephrite massagers, druzes, balls, eggs and crystals, including author. History of the reflexotherapy and contact stone-therapy. Reflexotherapy. Point massage by stone crystals. Massage stone druzes with the effect of Kuznecov's massager. Intimate massage and his features. Treatment water, by magnets, a magnetotherapy is typical errors and blunder errors. Complexes of medical treanings, including for a rehabilitation and prophylaxis. 340 pictures with the charts of work. The Russian language (Ukraine, CIS). It is possible download of the b/w printer, .pdf 25.9 Mb or rar-unpack archive Coloured photos RGB, free download the books, .pdf 29.8 Mb or archive |
![]() ![]() Magic and medical properties of the stone (base edition) In a book, written including on materials of my web site about stone and minerals, historical looks are popularly described to magic properties of more popular 100 stone. Zodiacs. Horoscopes. Briefly about stone therapy. Methods of ennoblement of stone, including dangerous. Comfortable pocket format, 264 b/w pages. Tail-piece of account on specialists - mineralogist, geologists, physicists, applied mathematicians. With illustrations described a accessible language modern mathematical model of growth of the stone crystals traditional and cryptocrystalline forms (crystallography), object-lessons over and determinations are brought, modern physics of process is expounded. The Russian language (Ukraine, CIS) I offer free download the books, pdf, 16.9 Mb or archive |
![]() Magnetotherapy and treatment magnets (application) Illustrated application to base edition. Pocket format, it is possible download and unseal for the personal use, 320 photos, 160 color pages. Expounded treanings and recommendation of the stone massage by medical magnets and survey physics of magnetic-field. Told, due to what treat magnets, what extrasensory influences and magnetic field are a to "itself extrasensory individual". Exercise with Balls of Health. Magnetic trainers and massagers. Briefly about the use of magnets in engineering creation, about their counterboring and about patenting. Most typical errors and blunder errors, related to the magnetic field and electromagnetic co-operations, briefly about "magnetic" and other swindlers - today treatment magnets and biofield is scientifically grounded modern physics. The Russian language (Ukraine, CIS) Coloured photos RGB, free download the books, .pdf 19.2 Mb or archive |
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Extraction about registration of books of author Julia V. Kaphtanova (Ukraine, Kharkov). It is executed - - Public scientific institution is the "Book house of Ukraine of the name of the Ivan Fedorov", Kiev, Ukraine, CIS. Access to public information, requiring payment queries, requiring payment services are a grant of kodas of UDC, LDC, author signs, codes of ISBN, works with publishing houses, extracts in relation to books and advanced studies, published in Ukraine, CIS.
Certification of author Julia V. Kaphtanova of the books on completion of Courses of Society of the Red Cross of the Ukraine, Kharkov regional committee of Society of Red Cross, Kharkov, certification # 9 from October, 26, 1991. Complete course, additional speciality is a "point contact massage" ("pressure point massage", "pointillage", "acupressure", massage of the Chine type - manual manipulative massage).
Free of charge download teaching computer video of the use of massager:
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- Chinese Balls of Health with a handbell, video view or download, 4.69 Mb, 1:51 minute
- Massage Druzes, crystals, balls, video view or download, 12.3 Mb, 4:54 minute
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- "Coal on a palm", video view or download, 1.36 Mb, 0:21 minute
- Single objects and beads, video view or download, 5.44 Mb, 2:09 minute
- Rotation of balls and eggs, video view or download, 5.24 Mb, 2:04 minute
Reflexology and massage within the limits Medical stone therapeutics:
- "Game with magnetite" (teenager), video view or download, 7.12 Mb, 2:49 minute
- "Work with magnetite" (man), video view or download, 15.9 Mb, 6:21 minute
- Professional training with magnets, video view or download, 13.7 Mb, 5:27 minute
- Professional massage by magnets, video view or download, 12.7 Mb, 5:03 minute
- Crystals, druses, ball burnishing and cabochons as instruments of untraumatic reflexology -
(Massage of druses, by crystals, models stone, by stone balls and nephrite eggs) - Reflexology, massagers and massage is history and contemporaneity (general review of tendencies)
- Acupuncture, traumatic reflexology and massage is a review of methods and traditions
- History of use application of crystals and stone is in physiotherapy and social and public political practice
- Magnetite, Magnetotherapy, by treatment, magnetic balls, cylinders, beads, bangles, beads for man
Other materials on the Medical stone therapeutics:
- Chakras and minerals, impact on chakras positive and medical effect
- List of diseases and human organs, positive influence of minerals
- Medicinal therapeutic stone, list of popular minerals and their medical properties
- Millstone, Flint Stone of Ukraine for satiation of water, for treatment
- Conception U-SIN, philosophy and methods of treatment from China (on Gavaa Luvsan)
- Conception Yin-Yahn, basic philosophy of treatment from China (on Gavaa Luvsan)
- Tibetan physicians and modern methods of treatment stone in Tibet
- Medicinal stone of therapeutic decoration and how to carry them
- Medicinal therapeutic balls for a massage and as by them to use
- Healthful stone pyramidions as cleaners space and facilities of massage
- Mineral stone cylinders as stimulants power action
- Crystals. Medicinal therapeutic water as harmonious procedures
- Meditation with stone crystals and minerals
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Magnetic balls for treatment (pair)
There is not an effect of placebo- magnetic balls operate at strictly physical level, really treat and have some contra-indications. The magnetic field of these balls impenetrates soft tissues. Balls unite on a photo only due to magnetism and interattraction. Balls from magnetite (pair), intagliated of the natural iron-stone of magnetite, with strong natural magnetism. Treat due to ever-higher natural magnetic-field. For a massage, development of hands. Free of charge download a book about treatment the magnets of "All about stone and minerals. Magnetotherapy and treatment magnets", coloured photos, .pdf 19.2 Mb Diameter of every ball: 19,5 mm (small) Рrice 45 UAH after pair, |
On the brought photos over balls by nothing with each other soedeneny, they are attracted magnet pinch to each other
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