Souvenir and collection stone production -->rus
Crystals and magic stone, minerals in collection, standards of minerals
Sales & Marketing Department - Kharkov, Ukraine, ph. +38 050 1357929, Anton A. Kaftanov, +38 050 0463643
Email - manager Anton A. Kaftanov, Ukraine, CIS, read more detailed ...
Cost price of delivered basis of wares mail, transportation out of Ukraine (Kharkov) - 20 $ USA. Pre-pay
Druse of shallow amethyst, insertion
Druse of shallow brilliant amethyst and mountain rock crystal on bluish-brown podlozhke (agate and maternal breed). White part of druses of amethyst is turned to burning hot batholite of volcano and magma. Can be use as an insertion in jeweller wares. To save from a sunlight and ultraviolet. Not to drop Size - 30 x 40 x 7 mm Ðrice 290 UAH, without of delivered basis At a complex custom - discount, price 260 UAH | |
Kyanite is jeweller, cabîchon
Blue (dark blue) Kyanite in form mounting in jeweller wares. Cabîchon is high, strong brilliance of natural stone. Not to drop, rare A height N 3-4 is 11-13 mm. Volume Ðrice 590 UAH/piece, with delivered basis in Ukraine At a complex custom - discount, price 560 UAH/piece A height N 5 is 12 mm. Volume Ðrice 560 UAH, with delivered basis in Ukraine At a complex custom - discount, price 390 UAH | |
Fossil fossils agate, small
Hazel and white marine fossil fossils with an agate and including of grey and white chalcedony. Elements of coral reefs Length 25-35 mm (volumetric) Ðrice 120 UAH/piece, without of delivered basis At a complex custom - discount, price 95 UAH/piece |
Quartz is a tendon, druse, Ukraine
A quartz is a tendon, druse with crystals, mountain rock crystal Krivoy Rog, Ukraine (CIS). Druse practically colourless mountain rock crystal, a quartz goes layers, "in a shirt". New crystal quartz tendon, rare quartzs (standard) are careers Krivoy Rog, Ukraine (CIS). Size - 65 x 65 x 35 mm (flat) Ðrice 760 UAH, on delivered basis in Ukraine At a complex custom - discount, price 720 UAH |
Marble onyx, cuts, flat cuts, not to wet in acid
Marble onyx - with elements of aragonita, limeolith, soft Cut N 1, size 75 x 55 x 9 mm, price 290 UAH, without of delivered basis. At a complex custom - discount, price 260 UAH |
Cockleshell is fossil (bivalve), flat cuts, length 85 and 75 mm
Stored form of fossilized shellfish, tracks are a white mother of pearl. Rotined both-side. Ðrice N 1 - 460 UAH, without of delivered basis. At a complex custom - discount, price 420 UAH Ðrice N 2 - 290 UAH, with delivered basis in Ukraine. At a complex custom - discount, price 390 UAH |
Cut of complex mineral aggregates, one side is polished, second is a cut
Difficult fawn mineral complex with an agate and mountain rock crystal Ðrice 520 UAH, without of delivered basis. At a complex custom - discount, price 490 UAH |
Petrified wood is flat fragments, quartz and jasper-like structure
Petrified wood, the structure of wood, Kharkov and Lugansk region, Ukraine, is stored Size N 1 - 110 x 90 x 35 mm (flat). Cost of 390 UAH/piece without of delivered basis, a discount a price 360 UAH/piece Size N 2 - 100 x 80 x 15 mm. Cost of 195 UAH/piece, discount - 175 UAH/piece |
Possible fossils with brush (druse) of amethyst and mountain rock crystal, Ukraine
Size N 1 - 160 x 70 x 60 mm (large standard). Cost of 460 UAH, a discount a price 420 UAH |
Support is well-knit under the thin cut of stone, photo in the scope, tree fibreboard
Folding pedestal under the thin cut of stone, tree fibreboard, not to wet. Height 110 mm and 75 mm Ðrice 65 UAH/piece, without of delivered basis. At the complex ordering from price - 55 UAH/piece |
Amber is untilled for insisting of water
One portion (4 g of ) of the natural cleared untilled ("wild") amber (Baltic) for insisting 1-1,5 l of water. For the repeated use to parcel up, after to grind in coffee grinder. By sight reminds a small raisin. Amber contains succinic acid - not to boil. Mass 1 package (a 1 portion amber) - 4 grammes Ðrice 175 UAH/ 1 package, without of delivered basis Ðrice 290 UAH/ 2 package, without of delivered basis Instruction is not added. | |
Corundum is red and an amethyst is synthetic
N 1-2 - a red corundum (ruby) is synthetic, complete soviet machine cutting from above and from below. N 3 - a violet amethyst is synthetic, complete soviet machine cutting, imitator of alexandrite. Color on practically does not change light Height of stone 12 mm (ovals) Ðrice 290 UAH/piece, without of delivered basis At a complex custom - discount, price 260 UAH/piece |
Exclusive Ukrainian smoky quartz honey and umber colors, translucent in the skim of black quartz and natural citrine madeira wine of the mineral deposit of the Volodar-volynskogo pegmatitic field of the Zhitomir region of the Ukraine - valuable and unique precious jeweller and semi-precious stones 2-4 categories, there are thin veils and opal-like chip. Ukrainian "wild" blue and polychromy topazs, natural and untreated (mineral deposit). |
A certificate and certificate is not given out (no price). At an order to the amount of over 560 UAH is delivery Ukraine free of charge (if a price is indicated without delivery). In connection with that visitors send queries, where it is possible to purchase stone, we satisfy Your growing demand and offer to you accessible at price souvenirs, semiprecious stone, jewels color stones, standards and jewelry with natural stone. We do not make a purchase anything at the unstated and unverified persons (including over the internet) and does not offer a infringing article. The stone delivered from abroad legally to pass through the customs in Ukraine. The Ukrainian stone, presented for us, are not raw material for the model and cutting and for jeweller industry. Read about licensing.
Sales & Marketing Department - Kharkov, Ukraine, ph. +38 050 1357929, Anton A. Kaftanov, +38 050 0463643
Email - manager Anton A. Kaftanov, Ukraine, CIS, read more detailed ...
Cost price of delivered basis of wares mail, transportation out of Ukraine (Kharkov) - 20 $ USA. Pre-pay
- Articles about a rare rosary from a stone, traditions and kinds beads as an art of XXI age
» Shambala, "knot of eternity" - the bangles of Shambala, lamaism of Tibet, Kailas
» Komboloi greek for turning - original type and class man beads
» A christian and buddhistic rosary is christianity, buddhism, islam, flat throw rosary
» Moslem rosary, christianity and other rare types of different rosary
» Buddhistic rosary, Krishna worship is a bone of bull, cow, mother of pearl, pearls
» Beads, a brief review is beads is history and traditions (Internet materials)
» Lava stone, lava of volcano, volcanic bombs are a fashion, SPA and litotherapy
» Bianstone sibin is a black petuntse as material for massager of guasha
» Blue glina, dark blue clay and vivianite is litotherapy compresses, source of radium
» Cherri quartz, Fiery Quartz, Strawberry Quartz, cherry, red quartz
» Rudraksha are seed of tree of Indo-Ganges of plain and foot-hills of Himalayas, beads
» Lotus, seed of lotus are character of deities of India and medical plant, beads
» Bone of bull and cow is fashionable material for modern jewelry, bijouterie
» Shells of shellfishes and cones are inhabitants of coral reefs, beachs and Maureies
» Corals and coral reefs are pictures of corals and coral reefs in nature
» Salt lamps and salt are natural galit, salt therapy and speleotherapy at home
» Luminescence of stone is a LED flashlight for diagnostics of stone, luminescence
» Dreamcatcher (disambiguation) is a talisman of north-american American Indians and Siberian nationalities
» To sale "Dreamcatchers" is the finished products, with stone, feathers, making under an order